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Save PDF to Dropbox Web Receipts Folder

A few quick notes on how to change the Print to Web Receipts Folder for Dropbox:

In Finder:

Go to \Library\PDF Services

Add alias “Save PDF to Dropbox Web Receipts” pointing to DocumentsDropbox\Web Receipts

All web receipts will now be synced via Dropbox.

Inspiration for this came from The technical times of Michael Andrews:

OSX has a nice button on the the print dialog box labeled “PDF”. This allows you to open, fax, and save any printable document as a PDF. One item on the menu is “Save PDF to Web Receipts Folder”. I use this when making purchases online. It will save the web page that contains my confirmation number and receipt as a PDF file to a folder (automatically created) called “Web Receipts” located in the “Documents” folder. This is fantastic as I do not need a hard-copy.

Recently I have found the need to access these receipts from multiple computers and mobile devices (especially wen traveling). Luckily OSX makes it easy to add a new “save” location to the PDF button on the print dialog. All you ned to do is add an Alias to the destination folder in your Library/PDF Services directory. Here’s how I added a new menu item to save PDFs to a new Web Receipts folder located in my Dropbox Documents directory. Using the Terminal, I did the following (note: you can do all this via Finder as well):

% cd ~/Documents
% mv Web\ Receipts ~/Dropbox/Documents/.
% cd ~/Library/PDF\ Services
% ln -s ~/Dropbox/Documents/Web\ Receipts Save\ PDF\ to\ Dropbox\ Web\ Receipts\ Folder

That’s it. Your current receipts are now in your Dropbox Documents folder, and there is a new menu item labeled “Save PDF to Dropbox Web Receipts Folder” on your print dialog’s PDF button.

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