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Itunes Tagging


  • Name: Name of the Album
  • Artist: Artists name of the Track or if the Album is all from one Artist, use Album Artist field and leave this blank
  • Album Artist: This field is used for the name of the artist for the album as a whole, and is useful for tagging tracks from albums that have guest artists or featured artists in certain tracks. For single-artist albums, it is usually either blank or will be the same as the Artist field for the track. This is used primarily for grouping and sorting of tracks, particularly in the Grid and Cover Flow views. Recent versions of iOS can also optionally use this field to group tracks in the artist listings on the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad.
  • Track Number: This is a two-part field to list the track number and total number of tracks for an album. This is important for sorting in iTunes and on the iPod to list tracks in their proper album order. If this field is blank, tracks are sorted within each album alphabetically instead.
  • Disc Number:  IMPORTANT for multi disk albums Similar in concept to track number, this is used for multiple-disc albums, and is used in conjunction with the track number to sort tracks in their proper order when viewing an album listing for multiple discs. This allows you to use the same album name for all discs in a multi-disc set while still having them sorted correctly.  iTunes will then put one album cover for multiple disks if the album name is the same.
  • Grouping: This tag is primarily used for classical pieces to group movements of the same work together during playback. For example, if you had a recording of Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony, each of the four movements may be listed as an individual track with the title of the movement itself as the track name and “Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony No. 5 in C minor, Op 67” in the Grouping field.
  • Year: This normally contains the year the track or album was produced. In many cases tracks downloaded from the iTunes Store or CDDB will list the year the album was produced regardless of when the original song was produced. This can be used for sorting in iTunes and is also displayed on the Apple TV. It is not shown at all on the iPod or iOS devices.
  • Options: Part of a Compilation

To assist Find Album Artwork with Google script is available from Dougs


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