Please dont copy my stuff.


New Zealand Post 1 – Monday Feb 21

Weather in New Zealand continues to be fabulous – mid 20s with refreshing sea breezes, bright days with cloud cover off in the distance, but sunny overhead. We are ‘tramping’ (day hiking) the North island, making our way from Aukland to the ‘Northland’ (Paihia) followed by a return to Aukland and a swing around the Coromandel Peninsula and then into the central thermal area around Rotorua. Next we are off to the east coast at Napier, an art deco town, […]

Photography of Original Artwork

I continue to expand my Photographic and Printing services and now can copy original artwork such as canvas, acrylic/oils, photographs, sculpture, family heirloom, jewelry etc. Details Retouching and colour balancing is also available.

Northumberland Photography Club – Article 3, January 2011

This is the third and final article of the series, and deals with Output (see links below for previous articles).  To recap the steps as described so far: images would be catalogued, noise reduced and some sharping would be performed to eliminate issues inherent with digital photography.  Any artistic editing should also be completed (ideally on a colour balanced monitor) and the image would then be ready for output, usually for display on a web site or for print.  The […]

Northumberland Photography Club – Article 2, December 2010

This is the second in a series of articles discussing methods of organizing work flow to prevent rework, improve quality by maintaing image resolution and colour detail throughout the life cycle of the image.  Article 1 dealt with image capture and file management and can be downloaded at: Workflow After importing an image from the camera into a cataloging system, the next steps are: Rate / Cull Image Adjustment and Editing Create Working Copies for various types of Output […]

2D Bar Codes

I have just added three new QR Codes to my web site.  What are QR Codes.  They look like this: The purpose is to allow smartphone users the ability to quickly link to my web site or download my contact information quickly from these ‘bar code’ type symbols on print media. It puts a modern twist on print marketing – since displaying the code on my business card (or even price tags) allows people to quickly jump to my web […]

I found this site which was recommended by Chris Orwig.  It deals with Digital Asset Management for Photographers.

Northumberland Photography Club Article 1 – November 2010

I was asked to prepare a set of articles for the Northumberland Photography Club – ON.   I entitled the series: Save, Find, Edit, Output These articles will discuss how to organize files so that you can find them again, deal with backup and recovery so images are not forever lost, basic editing workflow and finally preparing for output,  including colour management. Let’s start with the first step: saving those image files.  When doing so, there really is no ‘best […]

How Sharp is that Lens

In order to determine how sharp a new lens is before purchasing or to  compare the sharpness of different lenses,  you can use an MTF (Modulation Transfer Function) chart provided by lens manufacturers.  Here is how to read an MTF chart. Note, this is a full explanation, a shorter version was published in the Northumberland Photography Club March Newsletter.

Welcome to WordPress Blog

Blog moved from Blogger after they dropped support for FTP access to self hosted sites. Now back hosting this Blog on my own site to retain control over indexing.